Urban Landscapes: A Comprehensive Architectural 3D Rendering Case Study on Central Pedestrian Square

Architectural 3D Rendering

Discover how we transformed Central Pedestrian Square through architectural 3D rendering in this comprehensive case study. Delve into our client-focused approach, the project’s multi-faceted phases, and the high-end solutions we delivered.


Here, we introduce the project, its scope, and its significance. This section sets the stage for the entire case study. 

  • Client: Paul
  • Project: Central Pedestrian Square
  • Location: Ontario, Canada
  • Investment: $XX Million
  • Project Phases: Commercial, Office, Parking, Residential
  • Total GCA: 210,703 sqm
  • Additional Amenities: Educational Campus, Food & Beverage Outlets, Cultural Centers
Bird View Multi-Purpose Urban Landscape High-Rise 3D Architectural Visualization

The Challenge: Architecural 3D Rendering Urban Space

Commercial Building SketchUp Urban Space Exterior 3D Architectural Rendering3D Exterior design portfolio for Multi-Purpose Urban Space Architectural 3D Rendering

Paul aimed to create a multi-functional urban development that would serve as a commercial, residential, and cultural hub. The challenge was to design a sustainable, high-rise complex that would be a landmark.

The Solution: Leveraging Architectural 3D Rendering

Our Expertise in
3D Rendering

3D Rendering Services Bird view


Architectural 3D Rendering Specialists

Our team of 3D rendering specialists and project managers utilized SketchUp for high-fidelity 3D modeling and material selection.

  • 01. Initial Consultation
    01. Initial Consultation

    Understanding the client's vision.

  • 02. 3D Modeling
    02. 3D Modeling

    Utilizing SketchUp models provided by Paul.

  • 03. Material Selection
    03. Material Selection

    Opting for high-grade materials.

  • 04. 3D Rendering
    04. 3D Rendering

    Creating six distinct renderings.

  • 05. Revisions
    05. Revisions

    Material changes in one of the street views.

Multi-Functional Urban Development

Architectural 3D Rendering Process

Our Streamlined and unique


We start by understanding your vision, project requirements, and the message you want to convey. This helps us tailor our Architectural 3D rendering services to meet your specific needs.

Get Draft Architectural Rendering

Your vision is transformed into an initial 3D draft.

Make Revisions

We fine-tune details based on your feedback.

Completion & Final Render

The polished 3D render is ready for presentations and stakeholder meetings.

Project Specifications

Commercial Exterior Architectural 3D Rendering


17,316 sqm

Office Building Exterior Architectural 3D Rendering


7,864 sqm


60,070 sqm

High Rise Residential Building Exterior Rendering - Architectural 3D Rendering


125,453 sqm

Model Bird View Architectural 3D Rendering

Project Timeline and

72 %

Initial Draft:

Completed in 3 days

82 %


Up to 2 rounds, each taking 1 days

99 %

Final Render

Delivered in 5 days

Material and Texture



  • High-Resolution Mapping: Utilizing 4K textures for photorealistic material representation. High-Resolution Mapping:
  • PBR Workflow: Physically-Based Rendering for realistic material properties. PBR Workflow:
  • Client-Specific Customization: Tailoring materials to client’s architectural style and vision. Client-Specific Customization:
  • Transparency and Reflection: Accurate glass and water materials. Transparency and Reflection:
  • Material Library: Extensive pre-built library for quick selection and rendering. Material Library:


Responsive Dropdown for Specific Items
  • UV Mapping: Precise texture placement for architectural accuracy. UV Mapping:
  • Bump and Displacement: Adding physical texture to flat surfaces for realism. Bump and Displacement:
  • Texture Layering: Combining multiple textures for complex materials like aged wood or chipped paint. Texture Layering:
  • Seamless Textures: For continuous and realistic surface appearance. Seamless Textures:
  • Texture Scaling: Adjusting texture size relative to the architectural scale. Texture Scaling:

Reference Selection

Architectural Styles

Adherence to specific architectural genres like Modern, Classical, or Industrial.

Client Brief

Aligning 3D renderings with the client's project outline.

Geographical Context

Incorporating local architectural elements if necessary.


Utilizing the latest 3D rendering techniques and trends.

Architectural 3d Rendering

Challenges and Details

Architectural Accuracy

Ensuring the 3D render matches the architectural plans.

Lighting Complexity

Simulating natural and artificial lighting conditions.

Detail Levels

Managing LOD (Levels of Detail) for different viewing distances.

Client Feedback Loop

Quick iterations based on client revisions.


Visual Presentation: An Architectural 3D Rendering Showcase

Bird's-Eye View: Aerial perspective of the entire project.

Close-Up Bird's-Eye View: Focused aerial view.

Street Views: Three different street perspectives.

Street View 1

Street View 2

Street View 3
Revision: Material change in one street view.

Street View 3
Final view

Townhouse View: Residential section.

Market Street View:Commercial area.

The Impact: An Urban Paradigm

The Central Pedestrian Square is set to redefine urban living, offering a blend of commercial viability and residential luxury.

Bird View Multi-Purpose Urban Landscape High-Rise 3D Architectural Visualization
Commercial Building SketchUp Bird's Eye View 3D Architectural Rendering
SketchUp High Rise Bird's Eye View 3D Architectural Rendering
3D Exterior design portfolio for Multi-Purpose Urban Space Architectural 3D Rendering
High-rise building evening view exterior 3D rendering
SketchUp High Rise Exterior 3D Architectural Rendering
SketchUp High Rise Street View 3D Architectural Rendering
High Rise Building Exterior Street View 3D Architectural Rendering
Urban Street View Exterior Architectural 3D Rendering
SketchUp High Rise Exterior View 3D Architectural Rendering
Architectural Rendering Packages | Street View architectural 3d rendering
Commercial Roadside Exterior 3D Architectural Visualization

Why Choose Us for Your Next Urban Development Project?

Architectural Rendering Services

When it comes to Architectural 3D Rendering and Urban Development, our expertise is unparalleled. We bring a holistic approach to every project, ensuring that each element, from sustainable design to community engagement, is meticulously planned and executed.

Client Testimonials :
How Our 3D Renderings Made a Difference


"Working with 3D Praxis Studio was a game-changer for us. Their 3D renderings Services didn't just sit on a screen; they became the star of our presentations and meetings. It felt like we could walk stakeholders through the Central Pedestrian Square before it was even built. The impact? Faster approvals and a whole lot of 'wows.'"

our-client-Architectural 3D Rendering


Transform Your Urban Vision into Reality

Central Pedestrian Square is more than a high-rise project; it's a sustainable urban solution. For inquiries,

Contact Us.

Urban Street View Exterior Architectural 3D Rendering

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